
Configuration is performed by setting the appropriate environment variables.

Env Default Description
JWT_SIGNING_KEY 32 Bytes Random String The private key for signing the JWT access tokens.
PUBLIC_LISTEN_ADDR The listening address for the user-facing HTTP server.
PUBLIC_API_PATH /auth/ The path for the user-facing REST API.
BACKEND_LISTEN_ADDR The listening address for the backend-facing HTTPS server.
BACKEND_CERT_DIR ./certs/ The directory containing the backend-facing HTTP server's certificates (mTLS).
BACKEND_GENERATE_CERT 1 Whether to create CA and server key-pair on startup (= 1).
BACKEND_CERT_HOSTNAMES localhost The hostnames to generate the server certificate for, separated by commas.
BACKEND_CERT_IPS,::1 The IP addresses to generate the server certificate for, separated by commas.
TEMPLATE_SIGNUP res/signup.tpl The email template for signup confirmation mails.
TEMPLATE_CHANGE_EMAIL res/changeemail.tpl The email template for email address change confirmation mails.
TEMPLATE_RESET_PASSWORD res/resetpassword.tpl The email template for password reset confirmation mails.
TEMPLATE_NEW_PASSWORD res/newpassword.tpl The email template for new password mails.
MONGO_DB_URL mongodb://localhost:27017 The URL of the MongoDB database server.
MONGO_DB_NAME jwt_auth_proxy The database name of the MongoDB database.
CORS_ENABLE 0 Whether to enable (= 1) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) response headers.
CORS_ORIGIN * The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header.
CORS_HEADERS * The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' header.
SMTP_SERVER The address and port of the outgoing SMTP server.
SMTP_SENDER_ADDR no-reply@localhost The SMTP sender address.
ALLOW_SIGNUP 1 Whether to allow (= 1) signup requests at the user-facing HTTP server.
ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD 1 Whether to allow (= 1) change password requests at the user-facing HTTP server.
ALLOW_CHANGE_EMAIL 1 Whether to allow (= 1) change email address requests at the user-facing HTTP server.
ALLOW_FORGOT_PASSWORD 1 Whether to allow (= 1) password reset requests at the user-facing HTTP server.
ALLOW_DELETE_ACCOUNT 1 Whether to allow (= 1) "delete my account" requests at the user-facing HTTP server.
TOTP_ENABLE 0 Whether to enable (= 1) support for Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) as a second authentication factor (2FA).
TOTP_ISSUER JWT Auth Proxy The TOTP Issuer.
TOTP_ENCRYPT_KEY '' The passphrase encrypt the TOTP Secrets in the database (minimum length: 16 bytes). Required if TOTP_ENABLE=1.
PROXY_TARGET The target server hosting your application backend.
PROXY_WHITELIST '' Whitelisted URL prefixes at the target server not requiring a valid authentication. Separate prefixes by colons (':'). Don't use with PROXY_BLACKLIST.
PROXY_BLACKLIST '' Blacklisted URL prefixes at the target server requiring a valid authentication. Separate prefixes by colons (':'). Don't use with PROXY_WHITELIST.
ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME 5 The access token lifetime in minutes.
REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME 1,440 The refresh token lifetime in minutes.
PENDING_ACTION_LIFETIME 1,440 The lifetime of pending actions (such as confirmation requests) in minutes.